There have been so many times when I wanted to write about my baby, my journey of motherhood, the beautiful times, the difficult times. But things got in the way. The baby woke up from a nap or was sleeping on me leaving me with just one hand to type. I worried that no one besides me would care about what I had to say, so why type it up for public consumption. Things were too personal to write to have attached to my name and all of Google to find. So I didn't write. And then I felt guilty for not writing. And then I felt that too much time had passed, so the first blog post I wrote after the long hiatus had better be good. Well, forget it. I'm letting all that go. If I want to write something I'm going to write it. And it if takes a few days before I finish it and hit publish, so be it. And if no one but me finds it riveting, so be it.
November 23, 2010
Baby Tunnel Vision: Memories from the First 3 Months
There have been so many times when I wanted to write about my baby, my journey of motherhood, the beautiful times, the difficult times. But things got in the way. The baby woke up from a nap or was sleeping on me leaving me with just one hand to type. I worried that no one besides me would care about what I had to say, so why type it up for public consumption. Things were too personal to write to have attached to my name and all of Google to find. So I didn't write. And then I felt guilty for not writing. And then I felt that too much time had passed, so the first blog post I wrote after the long hiatus had better be good. Well, forget it. I'm letting all that go. If I want to write something I'm going to write it. And it if takes a few days before I finish it and hit publish, so be it. And if no one but me finds it riveting, so be it.
September 12, 2010
Welcoming Savannah & the Evolution of Baby Smiles

May 13, 2010
A Diaper Bag Popped My Cherry
We found out the bun in my oven was in fact a baby girl 6 weeks ago. Much to my own surprise, I didn't immediately raid every baby store in search for the cutest wardrobe ever for my mini me (or MeeseB as my husband affectionately refers to her).
Something felt wrong about buying stuff for her when I was still only 20 weeks pregnant. At that point I could barely feel her moving in my tummy. I was also overly concerned about getting her things in advance that later didn't match her personality. So I just let it be.
I finally went to big box baby retailers Babies R Us and buybuy BABY to set up my registry and briefly looked through the stores for something to buy her. Something that would make the perfect first gift from mommy to baby. I felt like I had to get SOMETHING, but it just didn't feel right. I wasn't inspired. this may sound shallow or selfish...Until I got excited about my own motherly fashion possibilities.
Yup, the first "baby" thing I bought was actually for me. I got my daily Ideeli flash sale alert email in my inbox during an two weeks ago, and low and behold there was a sale on high end diaper bags. I thought they just HAD to be better than the gender neutral or hyper childish bags sold at the big chain baby stores so I clicked into the sale and fell in love with the Timi & Leslie Jane diaper bag in Eggplant.
Exhibit A:
We all know I love a good deal, and seeing this bag for a little over $100 when the original tag said $375ish made my heart skip a beat. When I imagined how chic and awesome I would feel toting this bag around Yorkville with my little baby Moby Wrapped to my chest, I had an epiphany that yes, I could be a "hot mama". Motherhood won't take away my style (haha, I can dream). So I bought the bag!
It's huge and awesome and comes with all the usual diaper bag accoutrements like a changing pad and insulated bottle holder. And holy jeepers is the thing heavy--it will definitely help me burn calories. And did I mention it's HUGE? Whatever. Maybe it's a little impractical, as I probably won't use it everyday, but it got me excited about a different facet of my transition to motherhood.
And it popped my shopping-for-baby-stuff cherry. I'm still not going nuts -- I've only bought two outfits so far, but take look at how adorable these little numbers are:
This is the Floral Bubble Jumper from the Children's Place. I also got the matching sun hat.
This hot little number is also from the Children's Place. I wish they made it in my size! I will just have to live vicariously through my soon-to-be-newborn.
Squeeee! I just really can't wait to meet my little munchkin. August can't get here soon enough. And until her adorable little personality is developed, I will simply adorn her using my personal style. And she can cringe at the photographic evidence years later.
March 17, 2010
How March Madness Applies to Fashion
I emerge from my winter of blog (and life) hibernation to say, YAY SPRING!
1. Beware over-eagerly wearing new purchases and committing my NUMBER ONE FASHION PET PEEVE of all time. Now is the time to get excited about shopping again, its true. New season = New Purse, New Jacket, New SHOES! I know you are anxious to break in your new kicks but please inspect the shoes before wearing them out of the house willy nilly! Pourquoi? Just this morning, right after noticing the blooming crocuses on my way to the subway, the woman walking in front of me caught my eye. She was rocking a shiny, brown leather pump (with nude stockings and a great skirt) made of what appeared to be extremely supple and high quality leather. Brand spanking new. Their maiden voyage. But that’s not why I noticed her shoes. More blinding than the morning sun was a little, round, yellow sticker adhered to the soles of her shoes, probably indicating that they were an additional 20% off at Century 21. With every step she took, I wondered, “Why?...Why?...Why?” So I implore you, please inspect your new shoes before wearing them. You may think the bottom of your shoes isn’t visible, but alas, if that were the case no one would spend $1,000 on red-bottomed Louboutins. And if you pull off your price sticker and a gooey mess of glue and paper stays stuck to the shoe, don’t stop there. Finish the job. Scrape, scrape, and scrape some more.
Maybe I should have thanked the woman with yellow-stickered-soles... Thank you for shocking me out of my pregnant, winter coma and back to consciousness! Thank you for encouraging me to look around and notice all the other fashion offenders on the streets today so I could write up this informative advice post for the masses.
Thank you crocuses for showing your faces and being the first sign of new life this year!! I am back and will emerge from winter S.A.Dness with grace and exuberance. Blog, I will not abandon thee any longer. Clothing, you will no longer be dreary. Mood, you will be improved.
("First Spring Flowers" Photo Credit)