November 22, 2009

SNOB's Banana Cream Pie Recipe

Just in time for Thanksgiving, I must share an incredible recipe for Banana Cream Pie.

Rob and I spent our honeymoon in Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC. As expected, the food was a major highlight of our trip.

This pie in particular blew my mind. I ordered it at Slightly North of Broad (aka SNOB), a Charleston restaurant originally recommended to us by @CarpeDC and then by every review site we visited looking for good Charleston eats.

Here's the recipe, as given to me by SNOB's adorable hostess when I was raving to her about the pie:

Banana Cream Pie
Makes 2 pies

  • 3 cups milk
  • 10 bananas
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup 10x sugar
  • 1 cup banana puree
  • 2 tbsp gelatin/ 7 sheets
  • 3-4 cups whipped cream (firm peaks)
  • 12 oz white chocolate

Use 1/4 cup milk to dissolve gelatin. Bring milk, bananas, puree, sugar & vanilla to simmer. Break down bananas with whisk. Add dissolved gelatin and white chocolate and mix until blended. Cool completely over ice bath, and fold in whipped cream. Fill prepared pie shells.

MAKE THIS. The intense banana flavor is incredible, and the white chocolate is definitely the secret ingredient that made it so sweet and velvety but not sugary... OH MAN...

The consistency was more like a creamy cheesecake than a pudding like most cream pies are. Yeah gelatin! It was served in a dense, buttery graham cracker crust. WHOA!

(*Note: SNOB gives out all their recipes! The hostess had a huge binder full of them. So if you go there and love your entree/dessert, don't forget the recipe!)


alaska cruise said...

hmm. It seems to be very delicious. I am gonna tell my mom to cook it for me.. Thanks for sharing such yummy recipe with us..

very married said...

can't wait to hear your wedding stories and see your pics!

Simply Me said...

new follower

Anonymous said...

My husband had this at SNOB about a month ago and has asked me to make it. Thanks for posting the recipe! Can you tell me if the banana puree is simply a pureed banana? or did you add something else to it?


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